Communist Propaganda Pushed Thru CFR, North Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, United States Military, all Federal Agencies. All loyal unknowingly to International Communist Jewish Spectrum! CFR are International Salesmen for foreign businesses to launder National Defense Authorization Act monies to Communist Collaborators.


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Communist Jew ERIC MANN (Weather Underground Group) trained PATRISSE CULLORS in California during transit strikes. Patrisse CULLORS trained "The Squad" which created BLACK LIVES MATTER (Soviet Negro Republic). And the United States FBI (which has all the data) knelt on national tv. ANTIFA is a 1920s German Jewish Bolshevik Revolutionary Group now active within the United States and heavily funded thru Jewish CEOs. Queer Communist Harry Hay trained Queer Communist Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's Queer Communist transvestite buddy Gilbert Baker created Queer Communist flag, this flag 🏳️‍🌈! Queer Communist Transvestite Gilbert Baker was taught to sow by Feminist Queer Communist MARY DUNN who sat on the Feminist Commission of the Democrat Socialists of America. Are you starting to see? This Queer Communist Flag 🏳️‍🌈 flies over military bases, U.S. Embassies, State Capitols and signals to International Communist Spectrum "We have The United States"! Puerto Rico has 3 major political parties. PNP, PPD, PIP. 2 are Communists/Socialists and third is Puerto Rican Independence Party that wants nothing to do with United States. Yes. Israel, besides our Western friends "LIKUD PARTY" half of Israel like United States, Italy, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada are Communists. The Mapai-Labor-Progressive Party founded by David Ben Gurion is the Communist Party! Yes. Everyone calls themselves "Progressives" right in front of America's face on national television, right? Do the majority of Republicans know about "LABOR PROGRESSIVE PARTY IN THE UNITED STATES"? Research it. This is why BRICS will overtake the United States within next 3-5 decades.



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Re: Communism

What a dumpster fire. Look...half the Republican Party are Walter Duranty Fabian Communists. Indeed. Hard to win a domestic war heavily funded by enemy nations with half your armies fighting for the other side. One can research American data, human nature, historical context. This is the beginning of the end for United States. Mongols and Communists won.

Furthermore Half the brass in the United States Military are TRAITORS! Groomed and financed thru CFR, North Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, all salesmen for National Defense Authorization Act and DUMMY Republitards keep on voting for it! We're about to get kicked out of Iraq! You know this correct?

Yes. This was planned and executed over 200 years ago thru International Socialist Organization and International Communist Jewish Spectrum. Therein do what you can and get the big ice cream cone. Newsome , Pritzker, Hochul, Fienstein, Zients, Whitmer, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Steyer, Cuban, Rothchild, Soros, names sea scrolls long. Yes. All using financial and political powers to subvert, coerce, undermine United States Bill Of Rights. Where are the U.S. Attorney Generals?

"The Communist Jew is using the Negro as muscle"! This was shouted in the early 1900s and deemed "racist" by Washington DC and their Communist news conglomerates. Well, now American cities burn, "grey terror" executed with precision, pedophiles raping kids, haven't won a military conflict in 70 years, cops, lawyers, judges, politicians turning head for the money!


"Masters of Deceit" by Hon. J. Edger Hoover

"The Splendid Blonde Beast' by Christopher Simpson

"Queer Communism And The Ministry of Love" by Glyn Salton-Cox

"Blacklisted From History: The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy And His Fight Against America's Enemies" by Stanton Evans

"Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion Of Roosevelt's Government" by Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein

"Out Of The Night" by Jan Voltain

"Red International And Black Caribbean: Communists In New York City, Mexico, And West Indies, 1919-1939 by Margaret Stevens.

Most of you lack knowledge how to fight the "ENEMY" because most of you don't know the "ENEMY".



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