Election night watch party will be posted soon. To register click here.
COMING SOON: If you were a business owner or 1099 during COVID something HUGE is coming in a few days that can make for a VERY NICE Christmas. I can’t disclose it publicly YET. If you want info email me at freedom51420@icloud.com
Email Billy cayce for Details bcayce2001@yahoo.com
If Florida had militia? Most of Congress and Senate Republicans whether Republicans or Democrats would be arrested, trialed in State Tribunal in Tallahassee. If convicted? Jailed for life or hanged for treason. YOU WOULDN'T HAVE NONE OF THIS GARBAGE YOU'RE SEEING TODAY! NONE OF IT! Corrupt Cops, Dheriff's, Judges would be arrested! Oh yeah! Any Judge including United States Supreme Kangaroo Court can be arrested for malfeasance whilst on the bench! You can't sue them! All these "slip and fall" lawyers deemed unconstitutional! Why? You have to prove CRIMINAL NEGLECT!
Florida should have a 500,000 to 1,000,000 armed militia! Yes! In cases of Washington DC' "encroachment, treason, foreign invasion"!
The MILITIA is sole LAW ENFORCER to the Constitution of the United States within State borders! It is about time Lake County and surrounding Counties acknowledge our Constitution as written!