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Kash served as the Chief of Staff to the Department of Defense (DoD) and Deputy

Assistant to President Trump. As the Chief of Staff at DoD, his responsibilities

included implementing the Secretary's no fail mission with our 3 million plus

employees, operating a $740 billion budget, and $2 trillion in assets.

Kash served as Deputy Director of National Intelligence where he oversaw all 17

Intelligence Community (IC) agencies, and prioritized intelligence collection to

focus on hard targets and global threats. He led the Director's mission to

synthesize our intelligence holdings and create the President's Daily Briefing,

which he then briefed to the President and cabinet officials.

Kash led President Trump's counterterrorism mission as Deputy Assistant to the

President on the National Security Council (NSC) and helped President Trump's

on his top priorities including eliminating Al-Qaida and ISI senior leadership,

and safely repatriating dozens of American hostages. As the top counterterrorism

official at the White House, Kash was responsible for creating and implementing

our nation's policy to safeguard the homeland by overseeing the interagency

implementation of the national CT strategy.

Kash served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) where he spearheaded

the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016

presidential election (Russia Gate). The investigation discovered numerous illegal

surveillance measures undertaken by the Department of Justice and the Federal

Bureau of Investigation to unlawfully spy on the Trump campaign. Concurrently,

he led congressional oversight of sensitive programs for the IC and U.S. Special

Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion-

dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide.

Kash worked as a National Security Prosecutor at the DOJ under the Obama

Administration where he led investigations spanning multiple theaters of conflict

and oversaw the successful prosecution of criminals aligned with Al-Qaida, ISIS,

and other terror groups. This work necessitated Mr. Patel's presence in locations

across the globe, collaborating with host nation governments to successfully

prosecute terrorists. He also served as the DOJ Liaison Officer to Joint Special

Operations Command (JSOC), working with our nation's most prestigious

counterterrorism units (special forces) to conduct collaborative global targeting

operations against high value objectives, in almost every theater of war.

Kash began his career as a Public Defender, trying scores of complex cases in

federal and state courts, ranging from murder to narco-trafficking, to complex

financial crimes.

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