Merry Christmas Everyone. Finally, and thankfully, 2023 is about to come to an end.
And boy oh boy 2024 is gearing up to be a wild one, and yes, much wilder than 2023 was. The cabal will not give up easily. They will pull out all the tricks and stop at nothing to keep power, we see how they do it right here in Central Florida. More on that below.
Last Friday I was honored to attend and support a Christmas Gala for an incredible organization. Courageous and Free, was started by an amazing woman, Carolyn Goad Plankalla. Carolyn started this organization with a huge vision, to save the lives of children who have been trafficked, one girl at a time.
This Christmas Season, I ask, and encourage, everyone who can, to be a part of this life-saving venture. Do what you can to save a life. Click the image below, Watch this video, and join in, be the difference that makes this reality.
While now is not the time, I can assure you all that I did not work for a decade to get my FREEDOM to allow it to be taken away so easily. One thing is for sure, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I will not be taken into slavery ever again.
"It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for
himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case
may, by change of circumstances, become his own" Thomas Jefferson
To begin with, I filed a notice along with a motion to dismiss the unlawful State case, along with a countersuit. The court has blocked it from public view, but, you can read it here. Much more to come.
Additionally, as many of you know Tommy and Valerie Jamieson who operate a club that poses as a MAGA Club filed a lawsuit against me designed to corruptly influence the jury in the phony political State case to take out a Trump activist just before the Florida Primary. I responded and countersued. You can enjoy reading the response here. And, oh YES, much more to come on this.
A well-respected local ambassador and Trump activist met with the Jamiesons last Saturday to resolve this, withdraw the lawsuit, and get back to work to help get Trump elected and save this country. The Jamieson essentially told him to shove it where the sun don’t shine. Their hatred for Trump supporters and activists was on full display. They, along with Annie Marie Delgado, showed their true colors. They refused to end it, they, like the State of Florida and those who pushed me, are learning they may have just pushed the wrong guy.
One of the purposes for this Substack was, not just politics, but to educate on the law, my experiences for the past decade, and how we can all be free from the corruption the so-called government is and has been engaged in, and boy oh boy have we got a lot to learn. Just read the teasers in the motions I filed, it will amaze you, and anger you. What I can not post, as it must stay private with the court, will disgust you when you learn what they do. When I can, if they let me live, I will expose it.
Stay tuned.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Bob!